Geothermal Loop Drilling

Geothermal Loop Drilling

We offer a closed-loop geothermal drilling service


Geothermal Loops are coils of normally ¾” or 1” Piping inserted into the ground to depths of 250’ – 300’ to use ground water source for cooling and heating purposes.

In summer, the water is used to cool the house as water from the ground is normally around 68 to 72 degrees.

In Winter it is reversed, and ground temp is used to help heat the home to a comfortable level.


We provide the drilling service only. Please contact your local A/C Contractor for a quote and request to use Clyde’s for your drilling needs.

Geothermal Loop Drilling Consultation

Call us at 850-675-6230 to schedule a Geothermal Loop Drilling consultation at your home or office with one of our certified experts.

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